D.I.Y. Felt Coin Purse

Hi! The tutorial is finally here! (VIDEO LINK BELOW) (Download Free Template Below!) I modified the pattern so this looks a little different from the first photo I posted before. Here are the photos of the finished coin purse: For more instructions, please watch the video of the making of this project. Materials used: - felt (cream, pale green/ yellow green, light and dark yellow, and white) - embroidery thread ( yellow green, dark green, yellow and white) - snap closure (10 mm.) Link to video (Watch video in HD!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWlStvNJITk&feature=youtu.be If the video is too fast, just pause and read the instructions before continuing. (FREE TEMPLATE) *print on A4 paper If you want a narrower/slimmer side panel: